For this edition, I am sharing below four articles that I found helpful.
1) Is Web 3.0 and Web3 same?
This article (6-7 mins read) does a good job in explaining the difference between Web 3.0 and Web3.
To me, Web 3.0 is the next generation/evolution of the Internet. Web3 is a set of enabling technologies that can be used in Web 3.0 to make it more inclusive and alleviate some of the security/privacy concerns.
2) Web3 is all about directly interacting with your customers and users
This brief article (2 mins read), though more of a marketing post from the writer, provides a decent summary of how Web3 projects are reaching out and engaging their target audience directly and some of the prominent tools (including nice landscape snapshot) that are out there that can be leveraged to do so.
3) Lots of hype and noise...What are the financial institutions really doing?
This survey conducted by State Street across 300 financial institutions, provides very good insights into their thought process about asset digitization and tokenization, their preparedness for it and preference to go about it.
If short of time, even the executive summary from page 2 to 5 is good enough to get the gist of the survey results.
4) Consensus algorithms are what makes the Blockchains unique and enables them to maintain their integrity
This is quite a detailed article about almost all major types of consensus algorithms out there. Use this as a reference guide, if and when you need it.
If you don't have the time to read the entire article, you can also see the 13 mins video ( to get a summary of these consensus algorithms.